Puranic Tambola Play Online / Physical – Ganapathi Theme

#PuranicTambola is part of our #HinduGames initiation.

This Ganapathi Theme of Puranic Tambola can be played with various options.

  1. Play In Physical – Download the Tickets and circulate
  2. Play In Physical – Send the Soft Copy of the Tickets and Online. (People should know on how to mark it on an image).
  3. Play Online – Using our Online Google Spreadsheet, soft copy of the tickets. (People should know on how to mark it on an image).

This is absolutely a free game.

Spreadsheet: Game Sheet (Cues can be taken from this)

Puranic Tambola – Ganapathi Theme

Hint: For Cues, you can either print or manually write them on pieces of a paper or use the online one by making a copy of the above Game Sheet.


Copy paste the below link in browser URL to download the ticket.

List of all 300 Tickets in one file: www.swalp.in/VCTambola

Other Downloads:

Cues in Printable Format

Reference Material


We hope that you are aware of what is Puranic Tambola. If you do not, please refer to the article below to know in detail.

Puranic Tambola


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