The Wise Crab There stood two big banyan trees, side by side, in a dense forest. In fact, they were at such a short
25. The Camel with a Bell round his Neck
The camel with a bell round his neck Thers lived a cart-maker whose name was Ujjwalaka. He was not doing well in his business.
77. The Merchant
The Merchant’s Son Long, long ago, there lived a merchant by the name of Sagaradatta. He had a son. The son once bought a
45. The Crow and the Monkey
The Crow and the Monkey Long, long ago, there was a big banyan tree in a dense jungle. In this banyan tree, there lived
98. The Prince and the Bear
The Prince and the Bear Once a prince went to a jungle to hunt for animals. He wandered the whole day in search of
66. The Mice that are Balanc
The Mice that are Balance Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy merchant named Jveernadhana, in a village. He ran a big business.
34. The King Kobra and the Ants
The King Kobra and the Ants There lived a big king cobra in a dense forest. As usual, he fed on birds’ eggs, lizards,
87. The Lion’s Bad Breath
The Lion’s Bad Breath Long ago, there lived a lion in a dense forest. One morning his wife told him that his breath was
55. The Brahmin and the Snake
The Brahmin and the Snake There lived a poor Brahmin in a village. His name was Haridatta. He had a small farm to till,
24. The Cunning Judge
The Cunning Judge Once Upon a time, there lived a sparrow in a tree. He was very happy to have a beautiful and comfortable